are myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves. These words can be either intensive pronouns or reflexive pronouns.
The correct answer is: A. uploading to and posting on the Internet is so easy
Nowadays with the advent of social networks/ media, and the sharing function, It has been of a great contribution to the fast dissemination of information, posts, photos, music, videos, all over the planet, through a simple sharing of something of considerable relevance in virtual sphere. In the search for this shared information in a viral way on the internet, we find some specific words or hashtags that lead us to an excessive and almost unlimited number of shares in the shortest possible time across the globe.
What is the reading about?
The following options are attached to the question above:
A. To lengthen a literary work so that it can be taught In the classroom easily
B. To explore human relationships to ideals, inner lives and environments
C. To classify literary works to different categories
D. To create new and surprising comparisons and deepen understanding
The correct option is D.
Metaphor is one of the figure of speech; it uses a word or phrase to describe something, which the word is not really applicable to in order to show similarities between the two. It is often used to reveal hidden similarities between two ideas or objects. Authors usually use metaphor in order to compare and to enlarge readers' understanding.