Once he had perfected the battery, he began to think of ways to improve the lives of the people in his community. One day a week
, the government electricity would turn on in the village. The villagers had electricity to power up devices and use their simple light bulb only four times a month. The rest of the month, they were in the dark. Kelvin decided to make a bigger battery. He made a generator to power the homes in the village. Now, they only have to turn on the generators to enjoy the benefits of electric power. What detail is explicit from this paragraph? A. Kelvin felt a deep connection to the people in his village. B. Kelvin decided to make a bigger battery. C. Kelvin had enough materials that he could experiment with types and sizes of batteries. D. The generator that Kelvin made was more powerful than the government's generator.
And enjoys nature. Why is nature so important to Anne? What does nature represent that she so desires? How do Anne’s passages on nature in the diary affect her mood and affect the mood of the diary
23 year -old- man who lives in florida with his wife jane and just got married and had no children, they are taking a honey moon to florida. once they arrived at florida they decided they needed to go back to florida and fly to Pakistan. instead its was there 25 year old daughters birthday and scene it was the color purple it was to late to go to the park in the afternoon so they arrived shortly to class and went to Jurassic park at the schools pumpkin patch.