The outcome was the establishment of the United Nations
The meeting took place on April 25, 1945. This international organization was created to maintain peace between nations and those 50 countries were the first founding members of the united nations. The Organization was Estabished on October 24th 1945
Its a
The correct answer is using the media.
I took a quiz with this question and that was correct :)
Because of this alliance, Germany and Italy were called the Axis Powers. EX: During this time, Great Britain and France did little to stop him, choosing instead to follow a policy of appeasement. EX: By signing the Munich Pact in September 1938, he acquired the Sudetenland, a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia.
well they had to wait for hitler to commit well you know what thats one another is because they didn't want to leave their big charge power. and lastly they were not that strong as a team to be honest if this is for a test im sorry i got nothing but im sure some one does have a nice day though :)
just i know trust in a guy