The religious communities enforced new standards, creating a new male leadership role that followed Christian principles and became dominant in the 19th century. Baptists, German Lutherans and Presbyterians, funded their own ministers, and favored disestablishment of the Anglican church.
For the Greeks (or more particularly the Athenians) any system which excluded power from the whole citizen-body and was not a tyranny or monarchy was described as an oligarchy. Oligarchies were perhaps the most common form of city-state government and they often occurred when democracy went wrong.
The reason why people from many religious groups settled in the middle colonies was because they were able to freely practice their religion in these colonies without fear of being hunted down for their beliefs while in other colonies they could possibly have been persecuted.
The Russians created a new communist government that aligned with the Central Powers instead.
The court ruled to remove protection from dangerous
speeches. Charles Schenck was an
anti-war activist who spoke out against the war and was arrested for espionage. It is believe that he was threatening the war
effort with his speeches and was charged as a result.