Answer: okay um how a bout a sport played in a forest where you play tag but you can't touch the ground so everyone is in the trees and the only way you can touch the ground is if you find a feather in a tree then you have like 1 minute to race to the next tree you want to be in and the feather rule applies to anyone who is being tagged or who is the tagger and everyone has to wear a warm color like red orange or yellow so they are easily visible
Empty spaces
Elements that attach to a solid background could be made by blank spaces
The oldest known cave painting is a red hand stencil in Maltravieso cave, Cáceres, Spain. It has been dated using the uranium-thorium method to older than 64,000 years and was made by a Neanderthal
The dating discovery recasts ancient cave art as a continent-spanning human practice. A hand painted in an Indonesian cave dates to at least 39,900 years ago, making it among the oldest such images in the world, archaeologists reported Wednesday in a study that rewrites the history of art.
<u>Barriers to creative thinking:</u>
- Blocks to creative abilities are a common happening which almost everyone pass through.
- Creative abilities are simply a thought of good ideas, something outside the blocks.
- There are many barriers to such creative thinking. First and the foremost is formal education.
- You heard that right, formal education works on the concept of ‘only one correct answer.’ That’s simply a hurdle to one’s creative thinking.
- What if the other answer is more appropriate than the former one which is being taught on since decades.
- Apart from this, following rules is something which doesn’t allow a person to think beyond normal/average thinking.