Animal Farm, A novella by George Orwell, tells the tale of the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm, who after much oppression from their master, take over the farm for themselves. In the beginning, it seems like the start of a life of freedom and plenty, but ruthless and cunning elite emerges and begins to take control of the farm. The animals find themselves ensnared once again as one form of tyranny gradually replaces the other. The novella is a critique of revolutionary Russia and idealism betrayed by power and corruption. Orwell uses allegory between Animal Farm and the Soviet Union to highlight the corruption of socialist ideals in the soviet union, the power of language and propaganda, and the dangers of a naive working class.
One of the main themes in the novella is how easily pure ideals can become corrupted, as they did in the Soviet Union. The novel opens with Old Major, a character who represents Karl Marx, telling the animals on the farm of his Orwell highlights how powerful the use of language and propaganda can be when used to control society.
<em>I hope this helps. If your not happy with this I will redo it for you.</em>
You research to find out information on a subject.
The purpose of researching is to find out more about a subject. For example: If you wanted to research the soviet union for a history project you would look it up online or in books so you could find out more about the subject.
no not really I have the same problem right now I all so have like 41 so ya but I did have 53 tho lol