George and Lennie arrive at the new ranch. In the bunkhouse, they meet an old guy named Candy. His name seems especially inappropriate since he is missing a hand, has bristly white whiskers, and an ancient dog that stinks.
The sentence which uses the past principal part, or form, of the verb sing is <u>"I have sung in chorus for one year".</u>
Verb tenses are:
- present tense
- past tense
- past participle
- present continuous
present tense: sing
past tense: sang
past participle: sung
present continuous: singing
Therefore, the past participle of "sing" is "sung"
Learn more about past participle:
A muckraker was A) a journalist that reported on the abuses, crime, fraud, and injustices in society.
Usually, they were considered to be the worst kind of journalists, seeking sensational stories about bad things that happen in the world.
A shy man. A class act. A visionary. An experimental writer. A socially engaged citizen. A "shameless magpie," as he described his habit of picking up on the sounds of people's speech, fragments of their stories. Although opinions vary on how to describe the man, John Steinbeck is one of America's most beloved and honored writers. Described as "the bard of the people" in a Centennial celebration of his birth that lasted a full year, he gave a voice to the downtrodden and dispossessed in America. His compassionate portraits of the human condition sell more than 700,000 copies every year, and many of his works are cherished by every generation that discovers them. As popular today as he was during his lifetime, nearly all of his works are still in print.
1. To her Husband, Aataentsic's actions were heroic because she risked everything to save his life.
To the people of Sky Land, she may be considered a villian worthy of the worst punishment. She jeopardised the source of sustenance of the entire Sky Land for one man - her husband.
2. According to the story, the Sky Tree is a great tree which could be found in the middle of the Sky Land.
The Sky Tree is important to the people of Sky Land because all the food they ate came from it.
3. Aataentsic chose to cut down the tree because in the dream she had about her sick husband, her husband had instructed her to cut the tree and give him the fruit which grows at it's very top. This is the only way he would be healed.
This action reveals that she was very fond of her husband and would have given anything to see him live.
4. The animal which observed Aataentsic's fall is a Turtle.
The Turtle spearheaded the rescue mission which saved Aataentsic's life and the tree by helping her land safely on its back which with the help of the other animals was not covered with earth.
5. Animals in our culture mean many things to many people. To some, animals are food. To some, they have life and deserve to be preserved and treated with kindness. Biologically speaking, however, animals form an important part of our ecosystem. Unlike the myth, animals in real life are incapable of executing such an organised rescue mission.