Miller's title, The Crucible, is appropriate for the play. A crucible is a container made of a substance that can resist great heat ; a crucible is also defined as a severe test. Within the context of the play the term takes on a new meaning: not only is the crucible a test, but a test designed to bring about change or reveal an individual's true character. The witch trials serve as a metaphorical crucible, which burns away the characters' outer shells to reveal their true intentions and character beneath. Throughout the play, Miller carefully peels away the layers of each character so that the audience not only can identify the character's motivation, but also can reevaluate the character through his or her actions. In other words, the audience observes the character as he or she is tested, and the audience ultimately determines if he or she passes the test.
Note: I apologize if my answer is wrong.
Answer:: the quality or state of cohering: such as. a : systematic or logical connection or consistency The essay as a whole lacks coherence
The definition of coherent is sticking together or easy to understand. A group of people who vote the same way is an example of coherent. A person who speaks clearly and makes sense is an example of coherent
- "When all was water, the animals were above in Galûñ’lati, beyond the arch; but it was very much crowded, and they wanted more room. "
- "The animals wondered what was below the water, and at last Dâyuni’si, "Beaver’s Grandchild," the little Water-Beetle, offered to go and see if it could learn."
- "Tiles Water-beetle darted in every direction over the surface of the water but could find no firm place to rest."
- "Water-beetle dived to the bottom and came up with some soft mud, which began to grow and spread on every side until it became the island that we call Earth."
- "Earth was afterward fastened to the sky with four cords, but no one remembers who did it."
It was common for ancient peoples to create myths about the creation of the world and the human being. these myths were passed down through the generations and included many cultural points and beliefs of these peoples, such as deities, the perception of who they were and the role of living beings in the universe, the relationship with nature, the role of women and children, among other things.
Above you will see some elements of the tale of creation of the world created by the Cherokees. The elements are in the order in which they are presented in the narrative.