If this is about Edgar Allan Poe, then the answers are most likely
1- A
RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): ... The meaning of the word AMBLING is: to walk or stroll, to talk flirtatiously, to mumble absent-mindedly, to dance gracefully.
Brainwash. Persuade isn't that negative.
Renewable Energy Source. Among all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is that solar energy is a truly renewable energy source. ...
Reduces Electricity Bills. ...
Diverse Applications. ...
Low Maintenance Costs. ...
Technology Development. ...
Cost. ...
Weather Dependent. ...
Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive.
now that is the benefits, now solar energy can be expensive to set down cause you need a lot to power a house. so that is one not much of a benefit cause not everyone can afford it.
hope this helped