Describe Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy and his concept of the "iron cage"
KEY POINTS<span><span>Weber listed several preconditions for the emergence of bureaucracy: the growth in size of the population being administered, the growth in complexity of the administrative tasks being carried out, and the existence of a monetary economy requiring a more efficient administrative system.</span><span>Weber identified in bureaucracies a <span>rational-legal </span>authority in which legitimacy is seen as coming from a legal order and the laws enacted within it. This is contrasted with traditional forms of authority, which arose from phenomena like kinship.</span><span>Rationalization describes a transition in society, wherein traditional motivators of behavior, like values, beliefs, and emotions, are replaced with rational calculations.</span><span>Weber termed the increasing rationalization in Western societies an "iron cage" that traps individuals in systems based solely on efficiency, rational calculation and control.</span></span>TERMS<span><span>ideal typeAn ideal type is not a particular person or thing that exists in the world, but an extreme form of a concept used by sociologists in theories. For example, although there is not a perfectly "modern" society, the term "modern" is used as an ideal type in certain theories to make large-scale points.</span><span>Rational-legal authorityA form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy.</span><span>iron cagea theory proposed by Max Weber which argues that rationalization and rules trap humans in a figurative "cage" of thought based on rational calculationsi dont know if this will help but its what i got
Life career
THIS is the complete question
the roles you play in your life, the settings in which they occur, and the major events of your life; the total series of roles and work experiences a person occupies throughout life. ( this includes schooling, continuing education, employment, leisure time activities, volunteer work , homemaking and retirement)
The career can be regarded as metaphorical journey needed as one is learning everyday as well as other aspect of life.
It should be noted that life career involved the roles you play in your life, the settings in which they occur, and the major events of your life;
Surely the answer is number 4