The epa, also commonly known as the Enviromental Protection Agency, is considered one of the most powerful bureaucracies, because they protect everything in our environment.
If something living, that is within our environment is in danger they’re the ones who get called. They make sure everything within our environment. Is safe and stays safe
Step-by-step explanation:
cognitive dissonance theory.
Cognitive dissonance theory: This theory refers to a situation that involves a clash in the beliefs, attitudes, and behavior of an individual.
Example: A person smokes instead of knowing that smoking causes cancer.
If there is any inconsistency that occurs in the behavior and attitude of a person then cognitive dissonance occurs. And to remove dissonance, the attitude and behavior of a person must be similar.
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Senatorial Courtesy
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the term being described is called Senatorial Courtesy. This term refers to a unofficial U.S. custom describing the continuous occurrence of a senator towards supporting his/her colleagues in going against the appointment of a nominee to the district court or federal office of the president.