A cross between a diploid individual and a tetraploid individual produces triploid offspring. There are many species of plants that are triploid, but those come from crosses between two triploid individuals. In those cases, the chromosomes from one parent match up with the chromosomes from the other parent just fine. The same is not true with a cross of a tetraploid and a diploid. In that case, one third of the chromosomes are unmatch, causing many offspring to die, to be sterile, or to be generally unfit. Long story short, the answer you seek is False.
Frog's tongues are attached to the front of their mouths rather than at the back like humans. When a frog catches an insect it throws its sticky tongue out of it's mouth and wraps it around its prey. The frog's tongue then snaps back and throws the food down its throat.
Lack of ability to adapt to changes in the envrionment
Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent and no DNA is mixed, so they would not be able to adapt because there would be no genetic variation.
The northwest moving Pacific Plate has moved across the 'hot spot' that created the Hawaiian Islands for millions of years. This movement has left the northwest trending island chain
If the Pacific Plate keeps moving across the hot spot I believe Hawaii will keep becoming a bigger island because the Pacific plates movement caused Hawaii to form.
You may not think that Fruit Flies pose a health risk but they are insects and all insects pose a health risk if they hang around long enough.