The answer to your question is C. It had a large slave market and brought many slaves to the United States. Hope this helps.
According to the generally accepted opinion, in the “roaring twenties” Americans departed from traditions, yielding to the temptation of new ideals and unlimited tolerance. However, it should be noted that not all society was captured by unorthodox trends. There were also those who were disgusted with the excesses of "modernism" and fear of its dangers. The second decade of the 20th century was marked by both the movement for change and the stubborn resistance to these changes.
Migration and Refugees. Migration issues are fraught with moral positions, confusion, and unexpected connections. Pulitzer Center grantees look at the effects of climate and business on migration, the efforts of immigrants to preserve their own cultural identity, and the sacrifices they make in leaving family behind
.In 1970, recently arrived immigrants (30%) were more likely than U.S.-born adults (23%) to have completed at least some college. However, U.S.-born adults surpassed newly arrived immigrants by 1990. In 2013, 57% of newly arrived immigrants had completed at least some college, compared with 61% of U.S. adults.
In the Middle Ages, some people believed that denial of worldly pleasures would please God. During the Renaissance, many believed that God intended them to enjoy those things.
Egyptian civilization - Religion - Mummification. The ancient Egyptians believed in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. ... For example, the body had to be preserved through mummification and given a properly furnished tomb with everything needed for life in the afterworld.