Geography's relevance to science and society arises from a distinctive and integrating set of perspectives through which geographers view the world around them. This chapter conveys a sense of what is meant by a geographic perspective, whether it be applied in research, teaching, or practice. Due to space limitations, it does not attempt to cite the many excellent examples of research illustrating geography's perspectives; the citations refer mainly to broad-ranging summaries of geographic research that are intended as resources for further reading.
Taking time to understand geography's perspectives is important because geography can be difficult to place within the family of academic disciplines. Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history, they also exist in space and have a geography. Geography and history are therefore central to understanding our world and have been identified as core subjects in American education. Clearly, this kind of focus tends to cut across the boundaries of other natural and social science disciplines. Consequently, geography is sometimes viewed by those unfamiliar with the discipline as a collection of disparate specialties with no central core or coherence.
It is 23.7 km south of welgemoed, western cape, south africa
You need to put more info for the question
But thanks for the free points
There is a higher concentration of people who live in the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere.
A is not correct because the equatorial region is not densely populated, but it is actually sparsely populated.
B is not correct because the southern hemisphere doesn't have a higher concetration of people than the northern hemisphere.
C is not correct because if that was the case the population density would have been the highest either on the Equator or the poles, and that is not the case at all.
D is not correct because the population density is related to the concept of agricultural production.
E is correct because the northern hemisphere has a higher concentration of population than the southern hemisphere, and this is largely due to the fact that there is much more land on the northern hemisphere, thus a much larger area where there are suitable conditions for living.