Dollar cost averaging is an investment technique which can make a person wealthy in the long run. In this technique, you will buy a particular stock constantly and regularly, regardless of the price. This will add-up and without noticing, you have acquired more than you'd imagine. On the other hand, Ten Percent Solution, you invest 10% of your earnings in a long-term investment, and is done on a regular basis.
<span>Simulation is an imitation of a situation or a chance behavior that accurately reflects the situation under consideration. </span>
<span>Steps in conducting a simulation in the correct order (first choice)</span>
• State the problem or question
• State the assumptions,
<span>• Assign digits to represent outcomes,
• Simulate many repetitions
• State your conclusions</span>
Less money up front equals it to be better than renting an appartment
Answer: his or her unique values and benefits
Explanation: I just got it right