All members of the Council look the same.
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It contrasts uniform society with Equality 7-2521’s vivid thoughts and feelings.
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The Victorian Age is characterized by continual change.
The Victorian Age, spanning the duration of Queen Victoria’s rule from 1837–1901, is characterized by the expanding horizons of education and literacy, as well as by an increased desire of the people to question religion and politics
In this age, publications such as Marx and Engles’s Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Darwin’s Origin of the Species in 1859, all served as catalysts for political and religious controversies.
The above ideas of government and science yielded the idealism of the Romantics to a more empirical worldview.
The Victorian age also marks a time of great economic growth, technological advancement and massive industrialization.
It’s important to know that failure is not a bad thing, it’s simply the breaking down of your iron. You craft your life.