I don’t know what to say but I’m just gone freestyle where I’m from
As I am thinking you mean "Producers" when you say "Sellers" I am going to go with, Yes. You are correct it is Supply.
(Also the other one is called Demand not price)
1. sense of grwat pride over their country 2. Keeping things how they are sacred /important 3. It can also create false superiority and tyranny.
1. in image A we get a clear sense of how the French celebrate each year to mark the French revolution. this establishes a sense of pride because by looking into the context of the photo and hsitory behind it, if the people make a holiday and do a great celebration to mark this day and it is celebrated with every citizen you get that's end often unity and joy that each person feels as they await for that day.
2. While it does create unity, image 2 depicts the idea that it can also cause some controversy. the context is that in Indja they peacefully decided to rebel against British Rule. By the people of the country rebelling it supports the idea that keeping things the way they were, were considered important because people feel the need to keep the cou tey the way it is and preserve it, for what they considered was the time in which their cou try is at its finest point.
3. finally it causes a false sense eof superiority because in image three we are clearly given the context that Germanh blamed their problems on those of other groups. Meaning that, they hold their country in high standards which can theorize the thought that they believe that they can do no wrong because they are the highest fo the highest nd have better power and anyone who is considered below them must be the reason fo their falling short.
wanted assistance securing the country's northern border against raids by the Comanche
hope this helps
Going out on a limb here and assuming you're speaking about the end of WWII.
At the end of WWII, most of Europe was destroyed due to the war. The two main superpowers that emerged were Russia and the United States. There was a lot of discussion about dividing up Europe into colonies but the United States didn't want any part of that. Instead, General and later Secretary of State George Marshall devised what was later called the Marshall Plan.
Under the Marshall Plan, the United States gave over $12 billion to the European countries affected by WWII to help them reestablish their economies and rebuild their nations. This even included our enemies, such as Germany and Italy. The goal was that if they could rebuild and be influenced by captialism, then democracies might have a chance of spreading. These discussions were held at the Paris Accords and of course, Russia was against it. Russian leader Stalin tried to kill the Marshall Plan then when he realized that couldn't be done, he tried to take credit for some or even all of it's successes.
Back in the United States, our Congress which at the time was controlled by the Republicans, put forth a bill called the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948. President Truman signed the Act into law and the ECA was funded and implemented. To protect the integrity of the program, the money wasn't given directly to the participating countries. Instead, it was managed by local authorities who had to account for every single penny.
In addition to receiving help to rebuild their economy and their infrastructure, the participating European countries also received direct technical assistance from the United States to help bring new industries and businesses into Europe. All in all 17 countries took advantage of the program and were helped.