The carbon cycle plays a key role in regulating Earth's global temperature and climate by controlling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect itself is a naturally occurring phenomenon that makes Earth warm enough for life to exist...hope it helps..
Study of comparative anatomy emerged in the 18th century and led to establishment of relationship between species based on the common traits
The three major events that occurred after this discovery are –
a) Discovery of the fact that the age of earth is much higher than the age of earth as found in previous theories of continental drift theory
b) The age of the oldest fossils was determined and based on that relative age of all species (as found in fossils) was determined.
c) The determination of age of fossil helped to find the gaps in the evolutionary tree and hence provoked search of these missing species.
The study of comparative anatomy started somewhere around 1800 when George Cuvier emerged as father of comparative anatomy
Based on comparative anatomy study, scientists such as Buffon and Lamarck worked on establishing relationship between species based on the common traits shared between them just want someone to do it for you..? Or..?