The sentence that is incorrectly punctuated is option B.
"Help me shovel the driveway please?"
The correct punctuation here is: "Help me shovel the driveway, please.
This is a request, so we use a comma before the word "please", that is used to make the request polite, not a demand or an order. The period is used at the end because the person is not making a question, but making a request.
Isn’t it you hurt yourself?
A split infintive is an infintive that b. has a word between "to" and the verb. (Why do you think they call it split?)
<u>Examples</u>: <em><u />
to boldly go where no man has ever gone before
she seems to really like it</em>
P.S. Learn to Google<em />
Rereading. Or looking up unknown words.
does money bring people happiness?