Put some more of your time to help improve that skill.try to learn to get better.
when a form is created in Microsoft Access using the form tool it displays a single record at a time.To display multiple records and the form should be more customizable then in this case we use Multiple Items tool.
Creating a form using Multiple Items Tool:-
In navigation pane click query or table which contains the data that we want to see on the form.
On create tab,in the group Forms,click more Forms,then click Multiple Items.
you have to be extremely talented to be a software engineer so I see that as way more complex and cool.
Adding a filter to a picture can change the whole effect of the picture. Say you wanted a more vintage theme for your picture, you could use a black and white theme to give it an old timey feel. Different filters can add effects to the picture, maybe the filter gives your picture a blueish cool toned tint, or maybe it adds more light to the filter.