When the law treats a business such as a corporation or a company like a person, it is a legal entity. A legal entity is a certificste that a business has a legal process of gaining their certificates in order to run their business in a proper and credible way.
He established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to make emergency loans to businesses in danger of default
The establishment of RFC helped to stabilize the economic a bit,at first the RFC lent money only to banks, railroads, and certain agricultural organizations, but the scope of its operations was later expanded, and it proved to be an effective tool for stabilizing business and industry. In July 1932, Hoover signed into law the Emergency Relief Construction Act, which allowed the RFC to lend $300 million to the states for relief programs and $1.5 billion for public works projects.
Risk Group 4 agents cause serious or lethal human or animal disease and are readily transmitted. Effective treatment and preventive measures are not usually available. Examples include: Smallpox virus, Ebola virus. No bacteria, fungi, or parasites in this group.
The structures that are part of the upper respiratory system are the nose, the pharynx, and the larynx.
The air enters through the nose and travels to the pharynx, which has three parts. The nasopharynx connects with the nose, the oropharynx connects with the mouth, and the laryngopharynx connects with the larynx. Then, the air goes to the larynx, where the vocal folds are. Once that it passes the vocal folds, the air is in the lower respiratory tract.