He was trying to achieve peace he didn't want any violence he just wanted people to settle down so he called the cops.
Uhm don't know if this is right but tried.
As you read through the list, ask yourself these questions:
Were you born this behavior (biological)
Is this behavior is response to something else (stimulus)
Is this a behavior you learned how to do (learned).
For example, sat quietly in class while the teacher was talking - learned. You learned to be quiet because it was a rule that if broken, you would suffer the consequences. Another example, a car is approaching quickly as you are crossing the street. You run to get out of the way. This is stimulus because you are reacting (responsive) to the car approaching. Lastly, you cry when you see I person you love physically hurt. This is biological.
Isolation is separating yourself from others by free will for, doing it yourself. Quarantine on the other hand is being told to separate from others usually when they have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease. Example: Corona
When you really think about it quarantine is for when there is a contagious disease so, you have to split up.