Chloroplasts are the tiny structures in plants cells where photosynthesis happen. chloroplasts contain chlorophyll , a green pigment that absorb light energy for photosnthesis
a vestigial structure
Vestigial structures are a rudimentary (or even functionless) version of a body part, but they have important functions in a closely correlated or evolutionarily close species, an example of which is the presence of eyes in fish of the genus Astyanax. The existence of these vestigial structures is strong evidence that evolution occurs in organisms, since this structure, today without much apparent function, may in the past have been extremely important to the ancestors of that species.
Insects has repeated modular segment that develop independently of each other promoted their diversification and evolutionary success. They are able to evolve appendage that are specialized for diverse functions.
Hypotheses propose that insect diversity either result form low extinction rates and resilience to mass extinctions and acquisition of key innovation that allowed them to radiate into newly formed niches.
There exoskeleton characteristics are commonly responsible for the diversification of insects on land. These insects are the amazing diversity in the surrounding , it believed that insects are so successful because they have protective shell /exoskeleton , they have small in size and they can fly.
To learn more about the insect diversity here