The tenure of the elected senators of the New Mexico Senate is 4 years.
- All the 42 elected members of the New Mexico get to serve as senators for a term of 4 long years.
- Each senator roughly represents a population of 43,000 adult citizens residing within his constituency district.
- The senators are free to contest the Senate elections as many times they want to get elected as a senator as there is no specified limit on the number of terms one can serve for.
Friedrich Fabri was a German intellectual who lived throughout the 19th century. He is known as the "Father of the Colonial Movement" due to his open support for the engagement of Germany into colonization efforts.
Fabri singled out 3 main reasons for the need to colonize other parts of the world.
- The Crisis in Germany's tariff and trade policy.
- The country's economic position
Two out of the 3 reasons he stated are considered as strengths. Which are Germany's strong growing navy and their powerful economic position in comparison to their European counterparts at the time?
<span>Fighting over which states had rights to the land in the West</span>