Lines are not given in the question, i guess you are talking about the following lines.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
These lines from the declaration of independence are an example of the use of <u>Pathos</u>.
Pathos is a way of expressing emotions, sorrows in the films or literature or awakening of emotions in the audience. So the above mentioned lines lie in this category.
Questions as to what ancient Mesopotamian civilization did and did not accomplish, how it influenced its neighbors and successors, and what its legacy has transmitted are posed from the standpoint of modern civilization and are in part colored by ethical overtones, so that the answers can only be relative. Modern scholars assume the ability to assess the sum total of an “ancient Mesopotamian civilization”; but, since the publication of an article by the Assyriologist Benno Landsberger on “Die Eigenbegrifflichkeit der babylonischen Welt” (1926; “The Distinctive Conceptuality of the Babylonian World”), it has become almost a commonplace to call attention to the necessity of viewing ancient Mesopotamia and its civilization as an independent entity.
Ancient Mesopotamia had many languages and cultures; its history is broken up into many periods and eras; it had no real geographic unity, and above all no permanent capital city, so that by its very variety it stands out from other civilizations with greater uniformity, particularly that of Egypt. The script and the pantheon constitute the unifying factors, but in these also Mesopotamia shows its predilection for multiplicity and variety. Written documents were turned out in quantities, and there are often many copies of a single text. The pantheon consisted of more than 1,000 deities, even though many divine names may apply to different manifestations of a single god. During 3,000 years of Mesopotamian civilization, each century gave birth to the next. Thus classical Sumerian civilization influenced that of the Akkadians, and the Ur III empire, which itself represented a Sumero-Akkadian synthesis, exercised its influence on the first quarter of the 2nd millennium BCE. With the Hittites, large areas of Anatolia were infused with the culture of Mesopotamia from 1700 BCE onward. Contacts, via Mari, with Ebla in Syria, some 30 miles south of Aleppo, go back to the 24th century BCE, so that links between Syrian and Palestinian scribal schoolsand Babylonian civilization during the Amarna period (14th century BCE) may have had much older predecessors. At any rate, the similarity of certain themes in cuneiform literature and the Hebrew Bible, such as the story of the Flood or the motif of the righteous sufferer, is due to such early contacts and not to direct borrowing.
I believe it’s B, I’d choose B if I were you.
Thaddeus Lowe's operations in his ground service's first months indicate considerable improvement in developing and understanding the observation balloon a significant and useful complement to the army service. He favored the captive balloons because:
- He showed that a captive balloon could be efficiently and safely propelled to and from different locations, and that the senior officers could take measurements from virtually any appropriate point chosen.
- The civil war time duration 1861 to 1863, encouraged him to experiment and make success of captive balloons, here his motivation raised as he was self made scientist and aeronaut.
- He was attempting to study medicine to satisfy the wishes of his grandmother, but the boredom diverted him to his first passion, aviation using lighter-than-air gases.