Based o n the above situation, the stage of the Maslows selfawareness model is the conscious competence. The individual comprehends or knows how to accomplish something. Be that as it may, exhibiting the aptitude or learning requires fixation. It might be separated into steps, and there is substantial cognizant inclusion in executing the new aptitude.
In order for oil producers in Sakhalin to decide to export, the world price must be below the domestic price ... FALSE
-As the country begins to export, producer surplus will increase... TRUE
-B/c the oil is produced domestically, residents of Sakhalin will pay less than the world price ... FALSE
-Even after trade is open, the producer surplus and consumer surplus will be equal ... FALSE
Head of state or chief of state...i think :)
The questions that are in the across and down box when you get the answer filled him in the chart but yea google ^^^^^^