The Atlantic Charter was the document that stated the Allies' war aims, including belief in the four fundamental freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear) and condemnation of Nazism. It also called for a new association of nations. The Atlantic was made prior to the U.S.'s entry into WWII.
They made teepees because they were nomads. (a nomad is a member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.) Teepees were easy to set up and put away for traveling purposes. Teepees were made out of stretching buffalo skin over a skeleton of 20-30 wooden poles, all slanted towards a central point and tied together near the top. A flap at the top allowed smoke to escape, and a flap at the bottom served as a doorway.
Hi first of all is this a part of your assignment and I don't know but I'm still going to answer cause you got like no info because it was the right thing to do
<span>They like to move.
They must move their herds to new grazing land.
Their herds will not stay in one place.</span>