The adverb should be excitedly because an adverb modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb.
This is obviously a simile meaning that it becomes very large very quickly considernig riverweed is a very fast growing river inhabiting weed.
Music. Find lofi or instrumentals or beats of your favorite songs. Some say music makes your focus bad, but it provides an incentive and helps me slip into the zone. As long as it isn't heavy rock or energetic pop, just some calming music without lyrics, it helps you relax and focus.
If you could give me your insta I might be able to help more by basing it off your interests. Feel free not to though.
The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others.