Answer: Federal Government
Natural resources are becoming extinct because of repeated use and misuse.
So, be very wise as you use them.
Do not misuse as well as waste any natural resource.
If possible try to recycle every possible resource that can be used again.
This will save and give earth another chance to flourish as it was in the earleir days.
In a nutshell, Uriel is a fictional planet in Madeleine L'Engle's sci-fi/fantasy book A Wrinkle in Time… 'the third planet of the star Malak in the spiral nebula Messier 101,' to quote the book exactly. It is a beautiful and peaceful planet, inhabited by beautiful and peaceful creatures.
On the way to rescue Dr. Murry, Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin make a pit stop on Uriel. The purpose for this pit stop, according to Mrs. Whatsit, is 'more or less to catch our breaths. And to give you (the children) a chance to know what you're up against.'
To fully understand this planet and its role in the story, a little background knowledge is important.