If you are caught between a rock and a hard place, you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.
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B. Ask for a ride home( from someone who hasn't been drinking)
D. Ask to stay the night
I. Call home(see if someone can pick you up)
K. Call a cab or uber
A first-aid kit should have all of these goods: bandages, ace wrap, and gauze rolls except soap.
First-Aid Guide:
- A first-aid guidebook should be included in every first aid pack.
- Booze swabs, antibiotic cream, bandages, Kleenex Pads, health Tape, Velcro Bandages, alcohol, or sanitizer should also be there.
- Plasters in a variety of sizes and shapes may be included in a basic first aid kit. Various lengths of dry bandage strips are available.
Importance of First-aid kit:
A first-aid kit accessible in our house can assist stop an injury from growing worse and possibly avoid the need for trips to the hospital or walk-in clinic. This is especially important if there has been blood loss from the injury. Depending on the severity, we can provide interim assistance to someone who is harmed but they might still require emergency care.
Learn more about first-aid here: