An individual would want to use a bank because of some reasons. One is that it is a safe place to keep their money. Another reason is that there is an interest when you put your money in a bank. Which means your money will continue to grow.
Answer: Ellen is engaging in conversation not to be left out in their discussion. Ellen made sure she was compelling in her discussion.
Explanation: Ellen was in a gathering of individuals with higher academic degree, in order for her to be involve in conversation she needed to talk about her achievements.
Sometimes we may unknowingly resort to a system of body movements as well as a collection of noises and tone of voice in order to fully convey emotions. Through body movements, facial expressions, g<span>estures, eye movement, touch and the use of space</span> we can express how we feel, are we sad, angry, happy....
The outcome of the Battle of Brooklyn was a victory for the British, who killed or captured 1,000 Americans and proceeded to occupy Brooklyn and Manhattan for seven years. However, the British failed to capture Washington and his army, which withdrew across the East River to fight again and, eventually, win the war.
Serena's splendid summer would be the fiction one, all of the others are nonfiction