It changed mostly politically.
Socially and economically speaking the Revolution did not have a major impact, indeed those who were part of the ruling classes remained in the upper classes. Slavery was not abolished after the Revolution, though in the North it was abolished shortly after the revolution.
Politically speaking it led to the creation of the Republic with its principles of liberty. The republic was inspired by the ideals of John Locke. The colonists were no longer the subjects of the British crown.
First Islam is a noun and means the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. Another meaning is the Muslim world.
now signify is a verb and means be an indication of. Some synonyms are be evidence of, be a sign of, mark, signal, mean, spell, be symptomatic of, herald, indicate; literary betoken
FBI, ATF, CIA, Homeland Security, HHS, SAA
These are all federal agencies
The correct answer is C, as one result of the GI Bill was that the middle class expanded as working class men were able to go to college.
G.I. Bill is a law passed in June 1944 in the United States, for the benefit of the US soldiers who fought then in World War II, in order to provide demobilized soldiers with a legal mechanism that would allow them to access funding for technical studies. or university students, together with a pension that helped their subsistence for one year; This norm also granted the soldiers facilities to obtain loans to acquire homes or start a business on their own.