1. C--the automation of jobs: as technology increased manufacturing jobs were filled by technology leaving other jobs to be created. The service sector was the result of that innovation.
2. B--prosecute members of the Communist Party: The Smith Act made threats to overthrow the government illegal. Since communist is based on the overthrow of a government, this act justified the search and investigation of communists.
Answer: A foreign policy stance
That advocates multilateral engagement for the good and protection of the country
April 30, 1789. Inauguration. ...
July 4, 1789. Congress enacts tariff. ...
March 26, 1790. First naturalization law
The progressives tried to help children by limitng maximum hours of labor and in establishing a minimum age for children to be allowed to work.
There were also mandatory laws in different states for children to attend school.
The Progressives believe that government should take an active participation to solve the problems in a society like poverty, education, woman and children rights, job opportunities and best conditions for living.