While the apple is on the tree, it has potential energy. As soon as it begins to move, some of the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. When it falls down, the potential energy transforms more and more; shortly before the apple hits the ground, there is merely potential energy left, it all transformed into kinetic energy.
And always keep in mind, the potential energy doesn’t disappear! Energy always just transforms
Fiscal federalism.
In the federal system of governance, <em>fiscal federalism</em> is <em>used to allocate competencies and fiscal instruments to the different layers of administration</em>. For example, by means of <u>grants </u><u>higher levels of governments share countries resources with the lower level of governance</u>. Such allocation can be unconditional and conditional. Conditional allocations vary both in time and geography. Say, a particular state required grant to promote drug education in classrooms in 2017, but the situation improved and it does not need it anymore.
A study of adults in rural Mexico found that among underprivileged Latino communities, particularly women, nervios expresses the anger and frustration of "being at the bottom" and provides temporary release from the everyday burdens of life
. As nervios we generally called the nerves refers a conditions among individuals which creates emotional distress, anxiety, anger grief etc
People frequently harbor a variety of biases. Due to author bias, the writers of the two texts present the same event in different ways.
An author who is prejudiced is simply one who, in some manner, did not pay attention to all the facts, or evidence, or build a logical case to support his or her opinions.
In this context, bias is simply defined as when a point or remark demonstrates partiality or preference for a person, thing, etc. When you suspect a source may be prejudiced, when the author's viewpoint is strongly held or skewed, etc., you can usually tell.
Prejudice is a synonym for bias, which means that the arguments used to justify a position are frequently irrational. To assess an argument's worth and validity impartially, the reader must be able to identify any author's prejudice.
To learn more about author bias