I would go with B, I do not for sure know the answer but that is the one that seems to make the most sense
The answer could actually be "climb" or "was climbing," but traditionally should be "climb." Hope this helps :)
Answer: Picking the Perfect Topic
Knowing what to write about is the most difficult part about blogging. Based on your business, industry, and your overall purpose of blogging (which you should set goals for), you probably have hundreds of half-ideas on what to blog about. Before you start typing, however, come to terms with the fact that there are thousands of other blogs already out there trying to do the same thing. What sets them apart? Well, that answer is easy:
Popular, effective blogs tap into trending events, pop culture, and news. You can do this by checking out competition and staying up to date on your industry.
These blogs inform rather than promote. People have a take-away, observe a call-to-action, and potentially share/like a blog because they think others will enjoy it.
On top of being informative, successful blogs are entertaining. Forgo the tight language and traditional three sentence, grad school essay structure.
Successful blogs also have a long lifespan.
Let us take Napoleon Bonaparte for example. His crusade, in part, failed due to the harsh Russian weather that caught his army as he wanted to conquer Russia. So, I would assume Napoleon would have loved one of myriad weather apps that can be found both on Android and Apple phones so wouldn't be caught off guard again.
Answer: I guess not or maybe they just don't want to drink it.
Explanation: I have never really met a kid that likes to drink coffee only adults.