C. To present military interventions. Clinton was president when the Iran and Libya situations were going on, and his response was to increase the military presence.
My opinion is that it is fair that the Jewish People have a place to claim as their own, that is also their ancestral land, since they have been an errand people since the times of the Roman Empire, who have been expelled from many countries, and who have been subject to discrimination and poor treament.
However, it would also be fair that the Palestian Arabs have a share of the land too, because they were dwelling those land for more than a millenium before the Jewish began to settle back. This is why the most reasonable policy for the area would be a two state solution: one state for the Jewish People, and one state for the Palestinian Arabs.
Since the average American will spend 24 hours watching television per week, it is safe to say that they suffer from a lack of movement and exercise. This, in turn, will lead more Americans to be overweight and more likely to suffer from serious health problems.
Previously, Panama was part of Colombia, which denied the Canal that would cross the country as a commercial route proposed by the United States, because of this, the insurgent population of Panama or "rebels" were the US army to defeat the Colombian nation Satisfactorily, and establish Panamanian independence, which would consequently yield the fruit of the Panama Canal.
The King and parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They decided to require several kinds of taxes from the colonists to help pay for the French and Indian War. ... Other laws, such as the Townsend Acts, passed in 1767, required the colonists to pay taxes on imported goods like tea.