It might Michael's friend have Psychotic disorder or personality disorder
Animal testing is inhumane and very unnecessary. There are so many different options available, There is no explanation for the poisoning, burning, and killing of about 100 mill animals each year causing them pain & fear. Animals are not little humans, and even tho we share a lot of our genes with other them the way our genes work is different.
Answer:I expect them to check if the 61 year old is still breathing If the person isn't breathing or is only gasping, they will administer CPR.
Give CPR: Push hard and fast Push down at least two inches at a rate of 100 to 120 pushes a minute in the middle of the chest, allowing the chest to come back up to its original position after every push.
Eat calcium-rich foods.
Take calcium supplements. ...
Add Vitamin D to your day. ...
Do weight-bearing exercises. ...
Don't smoke, and don't drink excessively. ...
Get your bone mineral density tested. ...
Because most people do not look inwardly at what they do, think or feel. It is a very difficult task to look at yourself with stark naked honesty. For example, what do you think when you break up with someone? Do you automatically think it is the other person's fault, or do you look to your own part of what has happened? Most people don't ever think o f their own part; they're two busy nursing the pain.