(A) myArray BYTE 10, 20, 30
The general syntax of array declaration in assembly is given by
Array_Name TYPE value1, value2,...
where type can be BYTE, WORD, DWORD, QWORD, REAL4 etc
where values can be in decimal, binary, or hexadecimal
Let us define an array of type unsigned byte and named myArray containing decimal values of 10, 20, and 30.
myArray BYTE 10, 20, 30
Hence only option A is the valid data definition.
Graphs help scientists make data easy to publish.
#include <stdio.h>
struct Phonebook {
char name[30];
char address[30];
int phone_number;
int main()
struct Phonebook pb = {"John Josh", "Newyork", 5551234};
printf("Name: %s \n",;
printf("Address: %s \n", pb.address);
printf("Phone Number: %d \n", pb.phone_number);
return 0;
- Define a struct called <em>Phonebook</em> that has two character arrays to store the value for name and address, and an integer value to hold the phone number
- In the main, define <em>pb</em> to represent a person and assign default values
- Print the name, address and phone number of the <em>pb</em> (person)
age = int(input('Age: '))
if age >= 65:
print(f'You are {age} years old and your ticket is $5')
elif age >= 25 and age < 65:
print(f'You are {age} years old and your ticket is $10')
print(f'You are {age} years old and your ticket is $5')
Owning provides less flexibility but can lead to lower costs in the long-term. Correct answer:D
Less flexibility because you can change it or modificate it not so easy.
But owning also means that you don't have to pay rent or pay for it monthly, and that way you will save money in long term.