<span>"rws" means that the user has permissions to read, write and setuid. "r" means the user can read the file and "w" means that the user can write to the file. "s" stands for "setuid" (set user id) is a permission bit that allows the users to execute a program with the permissions of its owner. The "s" can also mean "setgid" (set group id) is a bit that allows the user to execute a program with the permissions of the group owner.</span>
A fuse protects computer system from voltage fluctuations
The limit for file names on modern file systems is usually at least 255 bytes.
Following are the response to the given question:
Build a spring, sink, vertices, and vertices for each car for a household. Every unit in the stream is a human. Attach the source from each vertical of a family with such a capacity line equivalent to the family size; this sets the number of members in each household. Attach every car vertices to the sink with the edge of the car's passenger belt; this assures the correct number of people for every vehicle. Connecting every vertex in your household to any vertex in your vehicle with a capacity 1 border guarantees that one family member joins a single car. The link between both the acceptable allocation of people to vehicles as well as the maximum flow inside the graph seems clear to notice.