it's contains different type of food the family and the community heart
Well im not an expert or anything obvi but this is just my opion.
Well first of all if the virus doesnt wear off nothing will ever be the same again. We might be able to go see family or friends. But large gatherings includeing school just wont happen if it doenst get better.
I think that we will survive the virus oin the future. We have great doctors and scietists that are working on it everyday. I think that they will be able to find and anitbody.
D - 'Like a house that a child might have constructed from cards' is the best option to indicate what the word 'ramshackle' means.
Ramshackle means something in severe disrepair (example: an old, rusty car is a ramshackle car or this house). A house that a child constructed from cards is also thought to be not sturdy and in need of repair when it comes down.
Explanation:If someone becomes a man of woe it means they feel sorrow also because the lines states he feels the sorrow too