4 bits are required. 4 bits can represent 16 different values (2*2*2*2 or ). 3 bits can only represent 8 different values. In the general case n bits can represent values, or correspondingly m values can be represented by bits.
The Vigenere cipher is an encryption method that uses a series of interwoven Ceaser ciphers and a keyword to encrypt text. The difference between this cipher and the Ceaser cipher is the tabular interwoven Ceaser cipher and the keyword.
Multiple keywords can be used in the Vigenere cipher. The use of this keyword makes the brute-force decipher algorithm unreliable for decoding text encrypted with it.
The scheduling process in the system is done by using the long-term scheduler and short-time scheduler. The long term scheduler are those which select the work from the job queue and the job selection is not very frequent.
Short-term scheduler is the scheduler that select the work from the ready queue and allocates it to the CPU(Central processing unit).It works by picking the work at quick frequency .So, it is not possible for the short-term schedulers to handle the job because of the different frequency of work.