A thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another or preceding in time or order previous or preexisting hope I helped
The best transitions to complete the passage includes:
At first;
In addition;
In the end;
In “Lather and Nothing Else,” the barber faces the challenge of shaving the enemy, a cruel captain.
At first, he reflects on all the terrible things the captain has done. Then, he explains his internal conflict over whether to kill the captain when he has a chance.
However, he does not believe in murder.
In addition, he takes great pride in his work.
In the end, he controls his emotions and lets the captain live.
Certainly, overcoming his own emotions is his greatest challenge.
"Lather and Nothing Else" is a story by Hernando Tellez.
The story is about a revolutionary barber who has a customer called captain Torres. Captain Torres killed the barber's fellow revolutionaries in trying to suppress revolutionaries.
When captain Torres went to have a shave from the barber, the barber had an internal conflict of whether to revenge by killing the captain or not for all the terrible things the captain has done. But in the end, the barber controlled his emotions and let the captain live.
The passage is completed with conjunctive adverbs
Well it depends on that story
If it was an amazing book like The False Prince then the three things I found extrodinary are the prince survived the pirate attack, he was disgused as an orphan for 4 years, and that the person who "made him into a prince" was a bad guy and wanted to kill the prince.
Introduction (Theme and Thesis)
The most important functions of the introduction are to introduce your topic and to present
your position on the relevant issues of the topic. The essay questions give you the topic or
theme for your paper (in this case, evidence that class inequality affects the quality of
public education offered our children). Your particular position on the topic should be
expressed as broadly-stated argument or thesis statement. For example, “In this paper I
will show how education is not always ‘the great leveler’ of inherited class differences, but
opens opportunities for some while closing opportunities for others.” Or, “In this essay, I
will explore how educational institutions can either create or take away opportunities from
their students. I will argue that in the absence of a class-based understanding of education
inequality, we as a society will continue to see success in individualized terms.”Body
For the purposes of this essay, you don't need to have formal subsections in the body of the
paper, but you might want to organize your writings so that you move from a brief review
of relevant points in the readings to your analysis of the material. For example, the reader
should clearly understand what sociologists mean by the term “class” and how it is
By the conclusion of the essay, the reader should have more or new insight into the topic at
hand. An unwritten rule of conclusions is that they shouldn't include radically new material.
While your conclusion should re-emphasize the most important argument of your paper in a
clearly stated manner, you can enhance the sense of completion if you return to a major
idea—now in more nuanced form—initially presented in the introduction.