Answers to the following True and False statements are given below.
1. Iguazú Falls is located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Cierto
2. Niagara Falls is four times as wide as Iguazú Falls. Falso
3. Iguazú Falls has a few cascades, each about 82 meters tall. Falso
4. Tourists visiting Iguazú can see exotic wildlife. Cierto
5. Iguazú is the Guaraní word for "blue water." Falso
6. You can access the walkways by taking the Garganta del Diablo. Falso
7. It is possible for tourists to visit Iguazú Falls by air. Cierto
8. Salto Angel is the tallest waterfall in the world. Cierto
9. There are no waterfalls in Mexico. Falso
10. For the best views of the Iguazú Falls, tourists should visit the Brazilian side. Cierto