d) positve benefits resulting from being on a reality show
In Cognitive Psychology ( study of mental process like memory, attention, perception etc), Chunking is a method of memorizing in which an information is broken down and then grouped together. Chunking facilitates easy retrieval of information.
Vikranth could easily remember due to the grouped categorization of the information rather than individually. He breaks the 20 letters and groups it into seven. It is a memory mechanism to improve the perception level and to store the information easily.
In this Kafka's masterpiece, Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning only to realize he had turned into a huge insect out of the blue.
a) Grete’s insistence near the end of the story that it would be best for her family to get rid of Gregor, and her claim that “it” was not her brother anymore depicts BETRAYAL.
Here, Gregor's younger sister denounces her brother making a change-of-hearts compared to the first half of the novel.
b) Mr. Samsa’s physical abuse of Gregor with the apple, which severely injures him and limits his ability to move is PERSECUTION.
Mr. Samsa attacks his own son frightened and terrified by the sight of the huge bug.
c) Gregor’s enjoyment at being able to crawl around his room all
day without having to deal with any family or work-related responsibility is FREEDOM.
After feelings of shock and grief, Gregor comes to realise that in this awkward situation he is free from all responsibilities he had as human.
d) Gregor’s inability to communicate with others after his transformation into an insect is ISOLATION.
Turning to an insect has cost Gregor, anong other things, his ability to speak. That way he can not communicate with his family members and is unable to explain this strange situation. That leaves him alone in his room isolated with his thoughts.
What option?? Sorry, I can’t see any...