The set of two-digit primes is {11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97}
Of that list, the following primes are mirror images of each other
13 and 31
17 and 71
37 and 73
79 and 97
Note: we ignore 11 since 11 flips to 11 which is not distinct from its original
If you're looking for the largest prime of this form, then its 97
If you're looking for the largest gap, then subtract each pair
31-13 = 18
71-17 = 54
73-37 = 36
97-79 = 18
We see that 71 and 17 have the largest gap
Answer:The greatest common factor is 15 to 10.
Step-by-step explanation:
The volume of a sphere, V = (4/3)(PI)(R^3)
Let k = (4/3)(PI)
Therefore, V = k (R^3)
Let R’ = new radius = 2R
V’ =k (R’^3)
= k (2R)^3
= 8 k R^3
= 8 V
The volume would be eight time the original volume.
I... don’t know? How many hours is he working a year? How many days is he working?
About 20% I would say. Hope I helped, please award brainliest!