The comparison between Portuguese and Dutch trade in Asia is done below
- Monopoly of spice trade
- possessed trading post empires
- Later practiced colonial form of domination instead of trading post empires
- Attention geared towards Indonesia
- Attempt to control the shipping business
- Unrest in trade due to less value placed on European trade goods
- Raiding of ships and getting away it in order to circumvent monopolistic behaviors
- The Muslims who were monopolistic in spice trade thru setting up of post empires and seizing it force.
The correct answer is C-a violent or destructive protest
In such a case, the government even has the right to summon the national guard to shut down the protest. Such protests can turn into widespread riots where people can get hurt or even die.
1.c 2.d 3. Theodore Roosevelt: intervene with military force William Howard Taft: invest in foreign economies Woodrow Wilson: act based on moral imperatives
His personal wealth.
Before being elected as the president of United States, Andrew Jackson gained his popularity as a war Hero.
He was known for his contribution in war of 1812. During that time, he personally led 2,000 men to defend New Orleans from Great Britain's effort to occupy the territory.
He was never really known for his achievement in businesses. Most of his supporters perceive him as a masculine & charismatic leader who can defend United States from potential attacks in the future.