1. The word 'tend' means 'disposed to', or 'frequently leads to' destruction.
2. He chose this subtitle for this section to explain how difficult it was for the French people to control the Vietnamese people.
3. Ruined means destruction.
4. The Vietnamese people were doing the ruining.
The article, "The Vietnam Wars," highlights the resistance put up by the Vietnamese people when other nations like the Chinese and French tried to subjugate them. In that section, the phrase, "Everything Tends to Ruin", was used by a French Military commander to summarize the frustration of the French people who tried to colonize the Vietnamese people.
The locals used their knowledge of the terrains to cause mayhem to their colonists. They resisted the schooling offered by the French people and rather embraced their culture. All ploys by the French colonists to subjugate them were met with resistance.
When Richard Kennedy reads the Dr Ferguson Samuel's plan, he doesn’t feel pleased at all. He thought that the journey was quite adventurous. To add to his rage, he also came to know that the The doctor had remained nearly two years without hinting at new explorations and yet he wants to go for the adventure. However despite the disagreement between Richard Kennedy and Dr Ferguson Samuel, both supported each other also
The Monitor Evaluator (thought-oriented)
The Specialist (thought-oriented)
The Plant (thought-oriented)
The Shaper (action-oriented)
The Implementer (action-oriented)
The Completer/Finisher (action-oriented)
The Coordinator (people-oriented)
The Team Worker (people-oriented)
2. do not
3. dont you ask
4. do not like
5. dont you like him
6. always shouts
7. does he shout
8. don't work
9. dont do
10. shouts
Marks by ones I thought Squeaky is insulted when Mr. Pearson suggests she give someone else “a break” this year. Squeaky doesn’t even ...