It’s d because if you think about it the monthly tidal cycle is a full moon and you will see that on a full moon does that make sense? Lol
When a Stickleback fish feels threatened, it will flare out its pair of pelvic spines and three dorsal spines, making it difficult for predators to swallow them.
The monomer units of the carbohydrates vary in their total numbers extensively. Moreover, positions of the carbonyl groups along with the orientation of the hydroxyl groups also vary in the carbohydrates' monomers. The presence of any modification is also variable.
On the other hand, the nucleic acids have only 4 monomeric units. The linkages between the nucleic acid residues have less geometry than the glycosidic linkages.
No! matter is not created nor distroyed
Soil Erosion
Basically, tillage breaks soil up, destroying its overall structure. It encourages surface runoff and therefore soil erodes more easily. In some cases soil erosion is beneficial, but in most cases, it is not. Tillage has also been found to cause the emissions of more toxic gases such as N20.