Indicative Verb Mood expresses and makes factual and authentic statements. For an example, ''A human is a mammal.'' It is true and a fact that a human is a mammal. Note that I leave no benefit of a doubt, but I state it matter of factly.
The Imperative Verb Mood expresses and makes a request and/or demand. Say for instance, ''Hand me that remote.'' Note that the speaker is telling you to do the action expressed, which was handing 'that' remote.
Subjunctive Verb Mood overall expresses doubts, suggestions, hypotheticals, and/or wishes. They normally use words like 'if'. For an example, ''If only I were that smart I'd enter and win that contest.'' Note that the speaker uses 'if'.
A1: Imperative because the person saying this sentence is telling us to look out the window and tell them what we see.
A2: Indicative because it's stating a fact.
A3: Subjunctive because it's making a wishful statement that proclaims *IF* they were us, they'd hike up Bridal Veil Falls.
A4: Again, subjunctive, because it's making a wishful statement. It outright says *if* as well as *wish*.
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The Meeker family and the rest of their friends in Redding, Connecticut. ... Right off the bat, we learn that the Meeker family has some drama coming their way. Sam has decided to become a soldier in the Continental Army. This means he's going to join the Patriots to fight for the American Colonies to be free from England.