Speech delivery is one of the attributes of a person that can make him/her standout amongst an audience helping him convey his/her message in an effective and efficient way.
Tips for verbal communication:
1. Effective voice usage : As a speaker, ones voice should be loud enough for everybody to be heard but not so loud that it may sound bossy or harsh. An efficient speaker knows when to raise and lower his voice.
2. Jittery start : Avoid starting with words such as "umm" and "okay" as it showcases a nervous speaker and a nervous speaker is most of the times bound to end up being confused.
3. Clear pronunciation of words : Words should be enunciated clearly without being mumbled and garbled.
Tips for nonverbal communication:
1. Facial expressions : As much as the audience pays attention to the words spoken, the facial expressions also mesh with words and feelings being spoken and conveyed. Hence, the words spoken and the facial expressions should not conflict.
2. Eye contact : Eye contact should be made to make ones presence felt. Make sure to make eye contact with different sections of people while speaking.
3. Movement : Be it behind a podium or a mic, the stage is yours and one should take maximum advantage of the fact. A podium might restrict ones movement but behind a mic, feel free to walk the stage. This keeps the audience involved and adds confidence to your delivery.
The desirable characteristics for the members of a contemporary constitutional convention would be:
Environmentally oriented
With a strong CV in public matters
The contemporary members of a constitutional convention would be diplomatic because this characteristic would allow them to debate, negotiate and agree without any conflict.
They should be analytic because they should evaluate all arguments, proposals and defy them with arguments, to see who has the reason.
They should be ethical because they should be unwavering about influences, bribes, and wrongdoings.
They should be empathic because they should have the ability to understand the other's point of view and help someone else.
They should be professional because that would allow them to have high levels of responsibility in their actions.
They should have a strong Cv in public matters because they should know everything about in bureaucracy, in the use of influences, and the opportunity areas of the system to improve it.
Harald Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences where he defined 8 different types of <span>intelligence.</span>
According to Gardner, based on the fact that one of Keisha's most endearing traits is an exceptional sensitivity to other people's motivations and moods she would best be classified as having high interpersonal intelligence.
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